Sunday 22 November 2009


Meg finished with 5.5 out of 11 in 51st position.
She gained 10 FIDE grading points.
Well done !!

The Final Positions Girls Under 14
1 WFM Efroimski Marsel 2150 ISR 9/11
2 WFM Lach Aleksandra 2158 POL 9/11
3 Saranya J 2146 IND 8½ 
4 Aranaz Murillo Amalia 1994 ESP 8
5 WFM Iwanow Anna 2026 POL 8
6 WCM Saduakassova Dinara 2084 KAZ 7½

Marsel 1st from Israel

Report Rounds 8 -11 from Neil McDonald
Megan Owens continued to impress in round eight when she drilled holes in the dark squares around her opponent’s king. There followed a hard fought draw with Maria Severina, a strong representative of Russia, which was probably Megan’s best result of the tournament. At this point the Wales player had a pleasing ‘plus two’ score, having amassed 5.5 points in seven rounds after her slow start. But Fate [in the shape of the tournament computer] handed her two very strong opponents in the last two rounds. Despite her best efforts Megan wasn’t able to add to her score but nevertheless finished all even with 5.5/11.

time to relax ?

no...more homework

Round 11 - Result = Lost

I expect there is not a lot Meg could do against someone seeded 50 places above her.

...Apparently there was... Meg had a good start and felt she could win, so kicked herself afterwards for not offering a draw earlier to try and get a final half point.

Round 11

Meg is black against Melissa Castrillon Gomez  2076 from Columbia so a tuffy.  Playing the 7th seed in the last round is a bit unlucky. 

Saturday 21 November 2009

Round 10 - Result = Lost

Meg felt she did well but it just slipped away from her.
One more round and them home for tea. 
The UK weather is lovely. 12.5 inches or rain in Cumbria in 1 day. The highest since records began.

Friday 20 November 2009

Round 10

Meg is white v Nandhidhaa Pv (2007) from India.
An easier opponent than last round :-)

2 more results would be fanstastic !
She now wants to equal her own record of 7/11 - the highest score by a welsh junior

Round 9 Result = DRAW agaınst a 2008 rated player !!!

I thınk Neıl was quıte surprısed at thıs result as he knew Megs opponent was pretty good durıng the preparatıon. He saıd to me afterwards quıte dısbelıevıng "she got a draw... as black....agaınst a Russıan...WOW !"

Thursday 19 November 2009

Round 9

Meg is black v Maria Severina (2008) from Russia so a tough game but Meg is on a roll.

Go Meg Go.

Round 8 - Result = WIN!!!!!!!

The sun and sea must be doing Meg the world of good.
5 out of 8, it just gets better and better. Keep it up Meg

Won 5 out of last 6 games !!!!!
Meg is now placed 29th (using progression) or 16th using current score

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Round 8

Meg is white v Ayca Fatma Durmaz 1838 of Turkey.  Another player with the home advantage.
4 out of 7 is a fantastic effort against the best in the World.  lets go for 5 out of 8 and some grading points.
Currently placed 42nd after starting as 57th seed, so doing well.
Go Meg Go

Result Round 7 = WIN!!!!!!

A good result agaist a higher graded player

Report Rounds 1- 7 from Neıl McDonald (one of the England team coaches) who ıs coachıng Meg for thıs tournament.
Megan Owens, the only representative of Wales in the entire event, began the tournament with two long and gruelling games. She lost the first after a heroic defence and had the misfortune to miss a draw right at the end of the second game.

Then the tide turned with an efficient win in round three, where her opponent fell into a bind from the opening and was quickly smothered. Megan proved in round four that she understood how to handle a hanging pawn structure better than her opponent. Her well thought out counterattack netted the point against an opponent who insisted on playing on for umpteen moves in an entirely lost position. Megan finished the double round day all square with a loss and a win, and added another point in round seven to reach a solid 4/7

Tuesday 17 November 2009

From Meg's FaceBook

Sunsunsuuuun!! :) :) :) swam in the medit. sea 2day ;) woopwoop.... think i have a little tan yipeee... cant upload photos till im back swwy peeps.... xx

Meg in the Paper

Article from the Shepton Mallet Journal

Monday 16 November 2009

Round 7

Meg is black v BayarsaikhanYanjinlkham 1840 from Mongolia
Tuesday is a rest day so SHOPPING!!!!????

Round 6 Result = WIN !!!!

More details to follow.....
Thıs means that Meg has 3/6 and ıs lyıng ın 57th posıtıon (where she started!)

Round 6

Meg is black against Diana Loboda of Kazakhstan, an ungraded player so should be a good game.

Round 5 - Result = Loss

Meg lost to a higher graded player with the home advantage and Meg was probably still asleep until about move 30.

Go Meg go, we are all cheering for you.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Round 5

Meg white v  Burcu Sasmazel 1891 from Turkey.  So a strong player but Meg will gobble her up with cranberry sauce

Round 4 - Result = WIN !!!!!


Saturday 14 November 2009

Round 4

Meg is black against Maria Halamova from Slovakia another ungraded player so an unknown. Maybe another new opening will coming to the board or will it be a trusted friend. We will find out tomorrow.

What are we going to do about Maria? Whoop her that's what.

Round 3 - Result = WIN !!!!

A new opening was brought to the battlefield and Meg went in all guns blazing, demolishing her opponent in about 2 hours.

Maybe the cheer leading helped (see below)